My Toddler must buys!

Hey guys, its been a month or so since I last posted so I thought I’d just do a quick one on some of my must buys for toddlers and some of our favs! This isn’t just gifted items, its items I’ve purchased too, I will try find the links and prices for you guys ! Enjoy x x

Flash cards

I absolutely love flash cards, such a cheap easy and simple way for them to learn so many new words and associate them to there pictures! We go through the flash cards with Gracie atleast twice a week and she loves it so much and thinks its a game. Like I Said these are super cheap, we got ours on amazon for £2.50, just by typing in “Flash Cards”

Lollipop baby Camera

So you may of seen a few weeks ago we were kindly sent the Lollipop Baby Cam to try out. It is absolutely amazing, as expected. This is why its part of my toddler must buys! Its so great checking on Gracie seeing if shes in bed or running about her room making a mess. Its also got an amazing feature that shows us footage throughout the night so we can see what is waking her up shouting all these nights, its helped me figure out that she was actually asleep all these times screaming and it was me waking her up! I absolutely love it. It’s super stylish and easy to install too. Its £145 on Amazon, bit pricey but worth the money!

Toilet trainer seat and stool

So you can get these from pretty much anywhere but we were kindly gifted some from DreamBaby. Its literally the most handiest thing EVER, especially for all us potty training parents. Its small & light making it so easy to bring anywhere so you can potty train on the go. Also obviously all the wee and poo goes straight down the loo! So no faffing what so ever. Having a stool also makes life even easier and gives them the confidence and independence to be able to pop for a wee without you!

Juice cups!

Now I think I literally have a cupboard full of different brand, style and colour of juice bottles, anyone else? 😂 But we have found a firm fav! They’re called Twistshake, and these are different than all the other juice cups in my cupboard because they can be used to infuse fruit in! Which is ideal, cause Gracie is not a huge fan of water loves her juice, so it means now with these shes cutting out most of the sugar from her juice & is having fruit infused water & still loves it just as much! The colours are absolutely adorable too. These are available from the Twistshake website and with our code ALICEANDGRACIEXX you also get 20%, so works out quite a bargin.

Nappies/Pull Ups

How many different brands of nappies and pull ups even are there? God knows! But we’ve tried so so soo many over the past 2 years. As a baby Gracie always wore Asda nappies but I found as she started crawling moving and walking they were becoming more and more difficult to keep up! Then one day whilst out shopping I found Pampers Nappy Pants ! Obviously I heard of pampers before so I bought them and I’ve literally never gone back. They stay up, look comfy easy to put on and are so absorbent. Theyre also so handy whilst potty training because it is literally just like wearing pants! You can get these anywhere, usually about £7-£8.

Cupboard locks!

I’m pretty sure if any of you are parents you know all about the lovely cupboard locks, forgetting all about them and almost swiping the doors of its hinges?😂 We always used the clip ones, so you stick your finger inside and push to open the door.. But recently we were sent a new magnetic lock from Stickmans. These are adhesive and so easy to fix, no screwing involved. Then all you have to do is swipe the magnetic key over the door and vola its open!! Its that simple. These are £8.50 for 4 locks with free shipping from the Stickmans website!

Car seat

A car seat is a must have for any driving parent, right!? We have the Joie Tilt, have had it a year and LOVE it. Gracie always looks so secure and comfy in it too. Its rear facing and forward facing and has 3 different tilt settings. The material its made out of is so good and easy to clean, it still looks like new with minimal bobbling! Its cheap too, £64.99 in Smyths, right barg!

Hope you guys enjoyed the read and you found some things you may fancy trying, I’d love to know if any of you guys love the same products, or what your must buys are! Let me know, would love to try them all out!

Bye guys!

Alice x

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